Tuesday, July 24, 2007

Welcome Garbage Lovers!

This blog is a collection of online videos which recreate, parody or otherwise celebrate the 20-second “Garbage Day!” scene in the 1987 B-movie “Silent Night, Deadly Night 2”

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If you’re new to the site, start with A PEOPLE’S HISTORY OF GARBAGE DAY

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If you’re returning, you’ll find lots of new stuff. There seems to have been a big increase in videos now that school’s out.

Thanks for visiting, and be sure to check out my videos on this page.

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Sunday, July 22, 2007

Questionable Entries

This blog documents the trend of “Garbage Day!” remakes; but today we’re including some other videos that give a shout-out to “Garbage Day!”

First up is a questionable clip that comes all the way from the U.K. Have the British ever heard of “Silent Night, Deadly Night 2”? Or do they think that’s just a regular trash day in America?

I don’t know. Decide for yourself with this 4-second video.

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Next up, there’s this low low-budget movie trailer that has a “Garbage Day” moment at the 23-second mark. (I’ve included the time because the video is a lengthy 3:16)

“CONNOR, THIRD TEASER TRAILER” is good-natured, sloppy pastiche of film and TV references (including from “Kill Bill” to “Dirty Harry” and “The Office”. I know this because their YouTube description includes links to each of the scenes they’re alluding to. I kind of like that. It’s specific to this medium. God knows I wasn’t able to provide an index of references I included in my 7th grade movies.)

“Connor” appears to be one of those videos two dudes made to show to their friends. And again, thanks to the new media landscape, they probably have hundreds of MySpace and Facebook friends who can chuckle at their video exploits.

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Finally, there’s this minute-long live musical performance by a band called “BUT CAKE”.

The song is “Garbage Day” and it may or may not be a pointed reference. I tried to decipher the song’s lyrics to find additional clues (i.e. lines about blue sweaters, handguns or “What? No!”) -- alas, I was shit out of luck because I couldn’t understand the singer. Man I feel old. But at the same time, these videos totally take me back to my adolescence where the days were used to make dopey videos and the nights were spent watching basement rock concerts.

Whoa - careful not to romanticize those teenage years!

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There you have it, three more “Garbage Day!” videos.

Saturday, July 21, 2007


Earlier this month I pulled a big boner. (Figuratively)

I’d posted “GMOD Adventures, part 16” calling it the first animated “Garbage Day!”

I’ve since discovered two animations that precede it.

GARBAGE DAY’S REVENGE was posted on google video on tax day of 2006. (You think they’d go with “Tax Day!”, but no.)

This remake is part of that sub-genre (from the mid-00's) where people re-edit the Public Service Announcements that appeared at the end of GI JOE episodes.

Later that year (12/19/06) BETAFOOD posted this anime “Garbage Day”.

It seems like anime lends itself to re-dubbing.

Anyway, that’s another correction.

Progress, not perfection.

Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Holy Garbage Day, Batman!

I think we all knew SERABO was destined for great things.

But this goes beyond my expectations.

SERABO, you have outdone yourself!

I don't know where you can go from here. Shhhh... let's not worry about tomorrow. Let's live in the moment and bask in the glow of this mini-epic.

Tuesday, July 17, 2007

Part the Third

A lot of blogs run stories about rumored third-installments like "Bill & Ted 3", "Ghostbusters 3", and "Big Mama's House 3".

But I am pleased to announce that the rumor surrounding a third Marsvolta590 "Garbage Day" is not just a rumor.

It's a reality.

Thanks for the laughs, fellas.

Monday, July 16, 2007

A Couple of Po-Mos

If you had told me that someone was going to make another SNL/OC Garbage Day I wouldn’t believe it.

First I’d think “Ugh!”

But inside, “Are they seriously trying to be clever? Or are they being ironic? Possibly even POST-MODERN?”

How do we measure when enough time has passed for something to be appropriately retro/campy/kitschy.


The other night I was talking to my wife and I said (in a Dana Carvey- George Bush voice) “Nah Ganna Do It...”

I thought it was hilarious. (Of course)

But she said it wasn’t retro so much as pathetic.

I think it’s a raw nerve because we still have a Bush in the White House.

But honestly, can we expect well-deserved laughs when we say “No Problem!” in an ALF voice.

Or are we simply fooling ourselves when we try to ironically revive the phrase “Whoomp, there it is!”

I will leave it to the “zeitgeist” to decide. (Even though I’ve never fully understood the concept of the zeitgeist, but I posses the boldness of a college sophomore to use it anyway)


Here’s “Garbage Day” by marsvolta590.

Wow! What a couple a goofs.

I never thought I’d want to see ANOTHER “Mmm whatca say” but damnit those two knuckleheads won me over with their wreckless abandon and geeky charm.

And what was that in the gunshot wound?! Chicken skin? I don’t know, but I think the Nike shirt is ruined. And, by gum it was worth it!

As for all you fuddy-duddies who weren’t impressed, maybe you should see their SECOND Garbage Day movie, called “Garbage Day 2.”

As the saying goes, if you liked marsvolta590’s “Garbage Day”, you’ll love “Garbage Day 2”

I look forward to seeing more great videos from those loveable goofballs.

Saturday, July 14, 2007

38 and counting

The last few days have been really busy. It’s been GARBAGE WEEK!

Here’s the latest, it’s from CTUFILMS, they call it “Another Friggin’ Garbage Day Parody.”

Not just another parody, it’s the 38th “Garbage Day” to grace this website.

I was surprised by the experimental audio-mix, combining the movie’s “what? no!” with a live-action “Garbage Day”.

And they really surprised me with those intense edits at the end.

But what is “Chappy”?

Friday, July 13, 2007

Happy Birthday


Actor Eric Freeman is 41 today.

Sadly, no one made him a “Happy Birthday” video.

Too bad, it would make a great e-card.

We will have to settle for this.

Eric hasn’t worked much since “Silent Night, Deadly Night 2”

The Internet Movie Database lists his only other credits as a movie called “Ghost Writer” (he played “Guy #1”) and small roles on the TV series “Dangerous Curves”, “Valerie’s Family” and “Just the 10 of Us”.

I’ve read that he appeared in an episode of “Unsolved Mysteries”. (Ironic that the man who has been re-enacted dozens of times on theis blog was once a re-enactor himself.)

Supposedly Eric was not the best candidate to play the role of Ricky in “Silent Night, Deadly Night 2”. The filmmakers found a better actor who had more experience, but they hired Eric because of his good looks.

He shares his birthday with Bob Crane, Cheech Marin and Pope Clement X.

Thursday, July 12, 2007

Why I get up each morning...

You’ve arrived just in time to see the latest “Garbage Day” remake, it’s an epic! (3 minutes and 20 seconds) BENANDJEFFFILMS presents a re-enactment of the entire massacre scene from “Silent Night, Deadly Night Part 2”.

I’ve spent the better part of this blog spouting MY opinion on these remakes. But enough of my yakkin’ -- here’s your chance to give your thoughts in our “Garbage Day Book Club”


1. Did the buzzing noise add to the video or just distract you?

2. Were you expecting their parents to tell the boys to “knock it off” -- or were the parents just glad the boys were outside?

3. What is the significance of the birthmark shaped like a comet? (Sorry, that’s for my discussion questions about CLOUD ATLAS.)

4. Why are so many adolescent males drawn to re-enacting “Garbage Day”?

That last one prompts the question -- “What’s up with this dude’s blog about GARBAGE DAY?”

Here’s the deal:

Earlier this year I was working for HBO, writing on a comedy website.

One of the executives wanted to feature the hottest trends from the internet. His example was, “The Best Christopher Walken Impressions on the web.”

I know. I KNOW!

I responded by saying if we wanted to feature the edgiest, coolest, trendiest viral videos, we should showcase the best “Garbage Day” remakes. And I emailed all the ones I could find.

No one liked the idea. (Except one guy who said I was being “slyly subversive” -- actual quote.)

Anyway, they never made the “Best of Garbage Day”.



I quit a three weeks later.

Then I decided I’d show those ass-clowns the true meaning of “online trends in viral videos” and I gave the world this blog as a love letter.

You’re welcome.


p.s. you can see some of my HBO work here.


Wednesday, July 11, 2007


Our latest wave of videos comes from CODENAME36.

The first entry is a traditional remake, simply titled “GARBAGE DAY!”

Is that handgun realistic enough or what?

I was really drawn in by the video’s soundtrack. This is not the urgent 80’s synth-driven score from “Silent Night, Deadly Night 2”. Rather, it sounds like the incidental music from a 70’s detective show like “Barnaby Jones” or “Cannon.”

The ominous score is offset by the cartoonish, Paul Reubens-esque delivery of “Garbage Day!”

All in all, a fine piece of re-making.

But what’s this?!

CODENAME36’s next video is a wild departture, unlike anything we’ve seen before.


A lot to unpack here.

Let me start of by saying that I have not seen GMOD ADVENTURES parts 1-15. I’m not a video-game guy.

I kind of lost interest after the “Garbage Day!” scene.

But I was really impressed with that part. Particularly the choice to make the gunman Ronald McDonald. There’s a deep-rooted fear of clowns in this country. (Maybe even more so in other countries.)

In Douglas Coupland’s latest novel, J-POD, a group of disgruntled video-game programmers add an extensive Easter Egg in which a homocidal clown runs amock in the video game. I wonder if CODENAME36 is a Coupland fan?

I don’t follow the rest of the story. The red stapler must be an homage to Mike Judge’s “Milton” cartoon (later made into “Office Space”)

Anyway, let’s all give a big high-five to CODENAME36 for making the world a better place through “Garbage Day” videos.

You Rock!

Tuesday, July 10, 2007

Long Island Garbage Day

Long Island gets a bad rap. But here, filmmaker TO4AD gives us the first ever "Garbage Day" in beautiful black and white.

Don't let the black and white fool you. This is not some self-indulgent film-school thesis project. They don't waste our time or get all self-indulgent and post-modern. It fucking delivers.

Thanks TO4AD.

Saturday, July 7, 2007

Guitar Day

Another video that escaped my radar is "Guitar Day!"

No "great shakes" as the old people say. But it is worth noting that at seven seconds, this is the shortest "Garbage Day" (unless maybe those pink cartoon bunnies do a 5-second version.)

Brain Dead

Until recently, I’d only searched YouTube for “Garbage Day” videos. That is lazy blog journalism. (Is there any other kind?)

I apologize for my unprofessional research and I proudly present two videos that would have otherwise gone overlooked.

First up there’s “Chariots of Garbage Day”, a deliciously predictable short that premiered online in October 2006.

It's not groundbreaking or daring, but the simplicity works for me.

Though I do miss hearing Eric Freeman say “Garbage Day!”

“Mr. Mom” was the first movie to capitalize on setting a scene in slow-motion while playing the instantly recognizable score from “Chariots of Fire.” That comedy formula has been used countless times -- including “National Lampoon’s Vacation”, “Married...With Children”, "The Simpsons" and recently in an episode of “Ugly Betty.”

The “Chariots of Garbage Day” filmmaker also edited together “Chariots of Lebowski” (theme music set to a slow-motion scene from “The Big Lebowski”) and “Chariots of Braindamage” (That one features a scene from Peter Jackson's horror-comedy “Braindamage.” It was released in the U.S. as “Dead-Alive” because there was already an American horror film called "Brain Dead") Those two videos are a little more on-the-nose because they actually feature people running.

The next video I encountered is a doozy.

It’s very tempting to write something like “Worst Garbage Day Ever”, but I don’t respect people who throw around those kinds of superlatives.

“Worst ______ Ever” has become a shorthand, allowing dullards to express a negative opinion without articulating themselves.

Blogs, message boards and Vh1 have encouraged this empty form of debate in an increasing effort to make us a nation of semi-literates. Because of this ugly trend, I’ve forced myself to stop using phrases like “worst pancakes of all time” or “lamest verdict ever” because it makes me sound less intelligent.

That said, here’s why I disliked the video:

It was shot indoors. And that choice seemed more lazy than stylistic.

The filmmakers aren't passionate. This is supported by the description of the video which says “We were bored, so we made sumpthin from Silent Night Deadly Night 2”.

The video is titled “Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 - Garbage Day”, the title reflects the movie’s overall lack of imagination.

The lighting is bad, the camera work is terrible, and even the continuity is off. (Did you notice that the victim starts off in a red T-shirt, but is later wearing a black jacket?)

Some people might say, “Whatever, they’re just 13-year-olds making a dopey video.”

But to me, the sloppy effort is part of a bigger problem, like the over-use of superlatives, lazy-blogging and people using Wikipedia for medical advice.

Also, I made an effort when I was a kid making dopey videos.

To sum-up: "Silent Night, Deadly Night 2 - Garbage Day" is not a very good movie, but I won’t call it “the worst video on the internet”, if for no other reason because I haven’t seen every video on the internet.


Wednesday, July 4, 2007

Independence Day

Happy fourth of July.

No new videos to commemorate the nation's freedom from the British.

BUT we were treated to a new video from SERABO this week.

Experts talk about the comedy "rule of threes" in comedy. There's a three-act strucutre, three-panel comic strips, three people in a joke (i.e. a priest, a rabbai and a lawyer walk into a bar), three Stooges, three "Rush Hour" movies, etc.

But "Garbage Day? Graduation Day!!!" proves to the be the exception to the rule. It's a two-parter, but I don't want to give anything away...

Okay, I've got to go, the "Twilight Zone" marathon isn't going to watch itself.